Workonic is a recruiting solution for all your pre-screening hiring needs. With the use of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing, Workonic helps in hiring smarter and faster. With the businesses going on a very fast pace, the hiring time-frame for any profile has reduced from weeks to days. Corporates need employees today in no time. The pressure on the hiring team has increased manifold. But with the use of advanced technology solution like Workonic, the process can be accelerated and substantial time can be saved.
A recruiter generates the interview link and sends it to the candidate through Workonic. The email is directly pushed through the system. A candidate can appear for an interview at any time as per his or her convenience. This helps in expediting the process, and a few days tasks are completed in a few minutes. Moreover, at a given time, many interviews can be scheduled with a click only.
Once the candidate appears for an interview, a report is generated based on algorithms driven by artificial intelligence. The report gives an insight into his emotions. It captures the emotions of the candidate like sad, happy, confused or anxious while answering the questions. His exact sentiments are analyzed. The face recognition technology helps in Gender identification too. Natural Language Processing identifies the language and gives language score. The psychometric test analysis is unbiased and helps a recruiter decide for next steps. The persona of the candidate is also captured. The overall score is visible in the recruiter’s comprehensive dashboard.

These scores save considerable time and move the process faster. With this pre-screening round, a few candidates are shortlisted. These candidates proceed for further rounds. All the shortlisted candidates can be pre screened in a day’s time. Also, with the help of these scores, we get brighter and smarter candidates. And we are able to reach the skilled candidates well in time, and the entire recruitment process is expedited.
Workonic features help a recruiter in capturing and tracking the applicants seamlessly at one place. Recruiters are not required to maintain a number of excel files anymore. The entire data is stored for the recruitment team at one place, and manual intervention is minimized. It also helps in streamlining the communication with the candidate. It reduces human dependency. If a recruiter who is working on a particular job posting is not available for any reason, the other team member can pitch in and take the work forward without any glitches and hiccups.
Candidates who were not available in the past for a particular job, but fit into the current job profile, can be retargeted through Workonic. Similarly, those candidates who were interviewed in the past and did not fit for the job posting can be moved to the database. This again helps in tapping the right person at the right time and at the right place.
With all these features, Workonic is one of the best tools available in the market for your pre-hiring or pre-screening needs. It is a kind of a unique tool, which helps the recruitment team to perform seamlessly, faster and smarter way.